Model Financial Statements: Tutuki Tertiary Institute 2023
We have updated the model financial statements for tertiary education institutions (TEIs), using the public benefit entity (PBE) Accounting Requirements for Tier 1 and Tier 2 entities.
Model Financial Statements: Tutuki Tertiary Institute 2023 (PDF, 1.4MB, 72 pages)
These model financial statements have been updated to reflect the changes to funding from the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC). The model financial statements have also been updated as a result of the Education and Training Amendment Act 2023. Since the previous model was released, PBE IPSAS 41 Financial Instruments has become mandatory. As TEIs transitioned to this standard in the year ended 31 December 2022, the transition impact disclosures are not required for 2023 and have not been included in this model, however a number of changes have been made to the model to reflect the adoption.
Page created: 8 February 2024