We provide specialist assurance.
Our specialist assurance team has considerable industry and public sector knowledge and experience.
There's a brochure about our team and our services, available as a PDF and in HTML.
Please email our specialist assurance team if you need independent assurance about an aspect of your business or performance.
In providing assurance services, we offer an independent and objective view of what a public organisation is doing.
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We provide assurance about...

Procurement and tendering processes must be robust and fair to all the parties involved, such as contractors, consultants, and purchasers. They must meet the standards for good practice expected of public organisations. Our team can provide an invaluable independent review.

Whenever a public entity spends money, that spending must meet standards of probity that will allow it to withstand Parliamentary and public scrutiny.

Managing assets
Managing assets well will result in an organisation reducing risks and getting better value for money. Our specialists have wide experience in advising on asset management and can provide assurance on planning.

Public private partnerships
Partnering between the public and private sectors is becoming more important in procuring major infrastructure work and public services. Our specialists have experience advising about public private partnerships and can provide assurance about them.