Our locations
Contact us through our National Office in Wellington:
Level 2 (Reception)
100 Molesworth Street, Thorndon
PO Box 99, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
Phone: +64 4 496 3099
Email: [email protected]
Please note that if you are deaf, hard-of-hearing, deaf-blind, or speech-impaired, you can use the NZ Relay service if that would make it easier to contact us.
AucklandLevel 14, Shortland & Fort, 88 Shortland Street, Auckland 1010 Ph: 04 496 3099 |
HamiltonLevel 4, 127 Alexandra Street Ph: 04 496 3099 |
Tauranga745 Cameron Road Ph: 04 496 3099 |
Palmerston North31 Amesbury Street Ph: 04 496 3099 |
WellingtonLevel 2 (Reception), Ph: 04 496 3099 |
ChristchurchLevel 3, 335 Lincoln Road, Ph: 04 496 3099 |
DunedinLevel 1, 399 Moray Place Ph: 04 496 3099 |
Page last updated: 17 June 2022