Programme for client update in Christchurch
Theme: Our high performing and accountable public sector
Welcome – MC Bede Kearney |
A high performing and accountable public sector - Stephen Walker, Audit New Zealand Executive Director
Our high performing and accountable public sector - Greg Schollum, Deputy Auditor-General
Economic outlook – Peter Gardiner, The Treasury
He Puna Hao Pātiki: 2018 Investment Statement, Investment for Wellbeing – Sam King, The Treasury
Procurement- John Ivil from MBIE
Procurement- Peter Davies, Specialist Audit and Assurance Services, Audit New Zealand
Annual reports and Stakeholder expectations - Selwyn Eathorne, Institute of Directors
Valuing your audit and risk committee - Sue Sheldon |
Accounting technical update– Robert Cox
Page last updated: 16 July 2018