Arran Harris

Manager, Specialist Audit and Assurance Services

Arran Harris

Arran Harris
Cell: 021 244 2517

Arran joined our Specialist Audit and Assurance Services (SAAS) team in July 2024, with more than 16 years’ experience in investigation roles, in the United Kingdom and New Zealand. Arran is a leading investigations manager, and has led operational teams with, the Royal Military Police, New Zealand Police, Ernst & Young, Department of Corrections, and Auckland Council.

His experience includes:

  • a particular focus in support of Audit New Zealand’s Integrity Agenda - he looks to support public organisations do the right thing;
  • leading integrity-related investigations and reviews, into allegations of fraud, corruption, and misconduct – both pro-active and in response to complaints and whistleblowers;
  • supporting and reviewing integrity-related frameworks and how they can be applied in a practical sense;
  • supporting organisations to understand the effects of conflicts of interest and how to safely navigate and mitigate conflicts of interest risks; and
  • providing real-time and retrospective probity assurance over tender processes.

Arran holds a Bachelor of Business (Accounting).

Page created: 27 September 2024