Fiona Elkington

Audit Director

Fiona Elkington

Fiona Elkington
Cell: 021 222 6249

Fiona joined our Wellington Office on 1 May 2023, as an Associate Audit Director.

She first joined Audit New Zealand as a graduate in 2004, working mainly at our Palmerston North office, while also contributing to Wellington-based audits.

Fiona was an audit manager in the Palmerston North office for 12 years and has 19 years of extensive audit and assurance experience.

Her portfolio includes:

  • government departments; and
  • Crown entities.

Fiona has also audited local authorities, tertiary education institutes, energy lines companies, health entities, and a licensing trust.

She is a member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ).

Page created: 23 December 2024